414R8NHY48L._SL500_AA300_For one reason or another 2005’s Evermine never got a UK release so I’m very pleased to be able to now offer it for sale on CD AND Vinyl from the website shop.

Whereas Songs Without Words was a collection of old songs recorded by the newly put together Four Good Reasons, Evermine was written intentionally  for the band. Alongside the original  material there are covers of Tim Hardin’s Misty Roses, an interpretation of a Mauriac poem ‘L’Ombre’, originally recorded by Juliette Greco, and of course a Jacques Brel song translated by myself and Mrs A ‘The Tender Hearts’.

Written in a week (whilst recovering from an op), recorded in a week and self produced, this was a response to the constraints of money and time that we were facing after the first album.